Sunday, December 8, 2013


Bullying is most certainly a current social problem not talked about in the book. If you listen to the new at all bulling seems to be in it at least once a week. (picture

Above is an article from the Los Angles Times about a fathers fight to stop bulling after his son took his own life.

The link above gives a definition of bulling and how to stop and identify when it is happening.

The link above defines bulling and provides statics.

"Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment.” (, Zack W. Van).

Sexual Orientation

The Sexual Orientation part of this blog comes form chapter 11 in the Understanding Social Problems book. I chose this chapter because sexual orientation is something that seems to be in the news a lot lately. Also I feel that the fight for equality is the biggest civil movement since the end of segregation.  (Picture

The link above will take you to an article called "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression Related Peer Victimization in Adolescence: A Systematic Review of Associated Psychosocial and Health Outcomes". This article is about how kids with different sexual orientation or expression have to deal with bullies and how it effects them mentally.

The link above will take you to a Ted Talk video about gender and since gender is tied closely with gender it is important to talk about. I feel when we talk about sexual orientation we forget about intersex people and transgender people, they are in the fight for equal rights as well.

The link above explains sexual orientation, what it means and when it normally develops.

The link above takes you to a site which has a bunch of terms that are often associated with sexual orientation and defines them.

"In our hearts and in our laws, we must treat all our people with fairness and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation."  (



Saturday, December 7, 2013


Cartoon: CRIME up ECONOMY down? (medium) by subwaysurfer tagged cartoon,comic,editorial,political,crime,economyIn the class book chapter four is the chapter on crime. It introduces crime by talking about who commits crimes, what types of crimes people commit, and what it means for society. The reason I chose crime was because I think it is interesting to look at who commits crimes and why they do it, is it out of necessity or just because they want to do something that is illegal. Crime happens across socioeconomic status, race, and gender (picture, ).
The link above will take to a journal called, "Race, Space, and Violence: Exploring Spatial Dependence in Structural Covariates of White and Black Violent Crime in US Counties" I chose this article because I think it is important to look a crimes across many different variables including race.

The YouTube link above will take you to a video about the recent rise in crime rate.

The first link will take you to which has all sorts of stats on the page to show you what kinds of crime are being committed. Next link will show you a map of where crime happens.

"Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime" (Good Reads, Aristotle)

Sunday, October 13, 2013



Bullying. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

Bullying at School and Online. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2013, from

CRIME up ECONOMY down? By subwaysurfer | Business Cartoon | TOONPOOL. (n.d.). CRIME up ECONOMY down? By subwaysurfer | Business Cartoon | TOONPOOL. Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

Collier, K. L., van Beusekom, G., Bos, H. W., & Sandfort, T. M. (2013). Sexual Orientation and

Gender Identity/Expression Related Peer Victimization in Adolescence: A Systematic Review of Associated Psychosocial and Health Outcomes. Journal Of Sex Research, 50(3/4), 299-317. doi:10.1080/00224499.2012.750639

Hamilton, M. (2013, October 19). Father fights back against bullying after son's suicide. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from

In  our hearts and in our laws, we must treat all our people with fairness and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.... (n.d.). Search Quotes. Retrieved December 7, 2013, from

Light, M., & Harris, C. (2012). Race, Space, and Violence: Exploring Spatial Dependence in Structural Covariates of White and Black Violent Crime in US Counties. Journal Of Quantitative Criminology, 28(4), 559-586. doi:10.1007/s10940-011-9162-6

National US Crime Rate Statistics Map. (n.d.). US Crime Statistics and Maps by City, County, & Zip Code. Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

Quotes About Crime. (n.d.). Qutoes About Crime . Retrieved December 7, 2013, from

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Terminology and Definitions. (n.d.). Human Rights Campaign. Retrieved December 7, 2013, from

STRAIN (Anti-bullying Silent Short Film). (2013, July 26). YouTube. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from
Sexual orientation, homosexuality and bisexuality. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

TED Talk: Ending Gender by Scott Turner Schofield. (2013, November 4). YouTube. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from

The Genderbread Person. (n.d.). Its Pronounced Metrosexual RSS. Retrieved December 7, 2013, from

Top 30 Greatest Bullying Quotes. (n.d.). Mighty Fighter . Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

US- Violent crime rates rise again. (2013, June 4). YouTube. Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

Violent Crime Up, Property Crime Down. (2013, September 16). FBI. Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

disney crossover Bullying the Hunchback. (n.d.). Bullying the Hunchback. Retrieved December 7, 2013, from



Home Page

 Home Page

"In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways. Our major social problems are not the cause of our decadence. They are a reflection of it" (Tomas).

Hello my name is Ariel Warden and I am a senior at the University of Idaho. I am an extremely busy person between school and work I can hardly catch a break! But when I do have free time I enjoy reading, hanging out with my friends and family, and just relaxing. I am writing this blog for my Social Problems class.

So you might be asking yourself, What is a social problem? According to 
a social problem is when a group of people in a community find a behavior undesirable. In order for a social problem to develop someone first the behavior as unacceptable, and then get others to follow their cause. Take for example sexual orientation, some people think that any orientation other than straight is wrong and therefor a social problem, someone saw the behavior as wrong and then got a group of people to follow the belief that being gay or bisexual is wrong. This blog is going to focus on two social problems crime and sexual orientation.